Over 50 Years of Community Engagement
Over 50 Years of Community Engagement


June Program

NOMCO visits Trailside Museum

We had a picture-perfect day on Saturday, June 8th as we visited the Trailside Museum at the Forest Preserves, on the corner of Chicago Avenue and Thatcher.  We had an hour-long tour of the various exhibits, and were witnesses to the feeding of several of the animals, including a turkey vulture, owls, and a young fox.

May Program

April Program

On Tuesday, April 23rd NOMCO met once again at the Lightford Recreation Center at Madison & 9th Ave.


Our event this time featured guest presenter Jason Applegate from the Cook County Department of Public Health.

Maywood Lead Paint Abatement Program
Outreach flier_Maywood_English_CCDPH lea[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [388.3 KB]
Maywood Lead Paint Abatement Program - Spanish Edition
Outreach flier_Maywood_Spanish_CCDPH lea[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [519.6 KB]
Lead Paint Fact Sheet
CCDPH Lead Fact Sheet English.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [867.2 KB]
Lead Paint Fact Sheet - Spanish Edition
CCDPH Lead Fact Sheet Spanish.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [946.7 KB]

March Program

A supper buffet of chicken and salad added to the enjoyment of the NOMCO March gathering at the Versatile Soul Food Cafe at 9 N. 5th Avenue.


Our special guest for the evening was Maywood Police Chief Val Talley.

February Program

NOMCO met on Wednesday, February 6 at the newly renovated park district facility named the Lightford Recreation Center at Madison & 9th Ave.


The event featured a tour and history overview of the building led by Maywood Park District President Dawn Williams.


The building was formerly an orphanage but after several decades of being vacant now proudly houses a variety of recreational activities.


Annual Christmas Party

NOMCO had a great time at the annual Christmas party on Sunday, December 9th! Once again, a main feature was the potluck dinner (pictured right).


We also had a lot of fun with singing carols, and a white elephant gift exchange.


We were treated to good music by our own George Clifton.


And as a means of serving the community, NOMCO collected toys for local children in need. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed.


Remember to visit our Facebook page!

NOMCO's 50th Anniversary Celebration

NOMCO celebrated its 50th Anniversary on Friday, September 21st at the historic Masonic Building at 200 S. 5th Avenue in Maywood.


In honor of a long tradition of pot luck dinners to kick off NOMCO's fiscal year, members brought a variety of dishes to share, from green salads to potato salads, fried chicken to spaghetti, plus delicious desserts.

Throughout the evening, George Clifton did a great job of providing our musical entertainment, playing jazz favorites. 


But the highlight came later in the evening, when George treated us to a terrific vocal solo of "My Town", sung as a tribute to - what else - Maywood!

Along the wall stretched a long timeline, charting out each year since 1968, with photos and information about American and world news headlines, happenings in Maywood, that year's NOMCO president, and achievements of NOMCO.  Thank you to Mike Rogers for the dozens of hours spent doing research at the library, the many hours of phone and in-person interviews, the hours on the computer assembling and editing the information, and time and money donated to arrive at the final edition at the print shop.  Kudos!

Former NOMCO President, Gick Schmidt

We listened to historical accounts of the birth of NOMCO, its early days, its impact on Maywood, and many personal memories and anecdotes which illicited laughter, knowing nods of heads, along with the occasional sober reflection of challenging times. 



The new NOMCO Executive Board was officially recognized, with September being the beginning of the new fiscal year.

Thank you to the committee who organized the event, the volunteers who helped make it happen, and to all who attended!

Join Us

We welcome your support.  Membership dues cover our normal operating expenses, and additional contributions allow us to host projects and events which showcase our village and bring our community together.  


NOMCO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible.


Please contact us to learn about membership, volunteer opportunities, and how to support our community initiatives.



P.O. Box #623

Maywood,IL  60153


Email: info@nomco.org

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